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Care Team

“The Care Team” is the Student Support Team in St Vincent’s and it aims to support the wellbeing of every student in the school, particularly those students who may be in need of specific help in any area of their lives

The Care Team in St Vincent’s meets every Monday.

The members of the Care Team are:

  • Ms Maire Quinn | Principal and DLP (MSc in Guidance Counselling)

  • Mr Neil McCann | Deputy Principal and Deputy DLP (MSc in Guidance Counselling)

  • Ms Elaine McLoughlin | Behaviour for Learning Teacher

  • Ms Sinitta Flood | School Guidance Counsellor (MSc in Guidance Counselling)

  • Ms Kimberley Gibbons | Careers

  • Mr Robbie Doran | HSCL (Home School Community Liaison)

  • Ms Lynn Robertson | School Completion Programme Worker

The group aims to help students with educational, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The Care Team identifies strategies to help students using the support structures within the school (such as: the Guidance Department, Behaviour for Learning Department, SEN Department) and with external agencies (such as: NCSE, CAMHS, Tusla etc.) to help students who are in need of specific help.


The Care Team is part of the whole-school approach to student well-being and support and is designed with the Continuum of Support (As recommended by the DES and NCSE). Support is available for all students but there is awareness that some students require more specific and individual levels of intervention.


If parents have a concern about their son please feel free to contact the school (01-8304375) and ask to speak to any of the members of the Care Team.  

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